Sunday, April 1, 2012

Genesis 2

I thought I'd better add a post, in celebration of the FIRST DAY OF BLOGGING! (I'm not that excited, actually, but whatever.)

Helpful Equations:
Genesis 1 + Genesis 2 = UTTER CONFUSION

First of all, whoever separated the chapters did a shitty job. This is why I had to stick some crap little note in the margin about "Day 7". Because counting is for morons.

Anyway, I made a table because the Bible starts contradicting EARLY.

That is roughly the order in which things were made by "God". Only not.

Then we get some crap geography lesson, something about rivers and countries, but it gets increasingly distracted as it goes on (for all of TWO LINES).

I know I'm a great artist. Also oedium is clearly some thing we all know about. The Bible is just so applicable, isn't it?

WTF moment: Adam names EVERY ANIMAL. There are so many species around, you have no idea. It would take years to name them all.

Final Lesson: Whoever wrote the first two Genesises didn't read either one.

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